Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year of Balance - Circles

And I say the sacred hoop of my people was one of the many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father.
Black Elk

All life is a circle. The moon is round and circles the earth, which is round and circles the sun. A birds builds its nest in a circle. Water going down the drain goes in a circle, not a square, or a triangle, though that would be interesting to see. When you throw a pebble in a placid pond, (got to love alliteration), it causes ripples that go outward.

We are the pebbles in the pond. The things we say and do can have a ripple affect touching and affecting others. If we are not in balance, we can take on the negative ripples from others and have them affect us as well. Case in point. My daughter was all excited when she was with me last week. That Friday night felt an air of excitement and expectation, not only because of the holiday, but because my daughter was heading up to New Hampshire to stay with her boyfriend and his family for a few days. However, the very next morning found her fit to be tied. She stomped around the house slamming things. That air of excitement was gone and a dark pall was over the house. As it turned out, her mother had called her and told her that she was calling the boyfriends mother and setting ground rules for her visit. They were not to be left alone. They couldn't go snowmobiling and various other rules. My daughter was fit to be tied. I tried to find out what was going on and got a curt answer. So, I got caught up in it and responded in kind.
"Well, I guess we are going to have to put up with a pissy attitude all day!". Fortunately, age and wisdom intervened and I realized that I was getting caught up in it. I told her that we would talk about this when I took her to work. It was good for her to get it out. I asked her why she was wasting all of this energy for something that has not happened yet. I explained to her how I used to do the same thing. I would leave work for the three hour ride to pick them up expecting a confrontation with their mother over some silly thing and would be ranting and raving in the car all the way down. Ninety percent of the time, I never saw their mother and their was no conflict, but I had gotten all worked up and it affected my mood with them for the night. I told her to just get back thinking about being with him. Forget what her mother said and just deal with whatever comes, that the most important thing was that she was going to be with him. Her mood changed, my mood changed, and we were both the better for it.
Now, the effects we have on others isn't always negative. Sometimes those ripples can be very amazing. Just this past Christmas, I believe in was in Pennsylvania, there was a diner that experienced the ripples of goodness. As a man went up to the counter to pay his tab, he looked back over the people eating and told the waitress to give him another tables bill also. He paid both and went out. The waitress thought, what a wonderful thing to do for someone you don't even know. Well, the person whose tab he paid came up to pay their bill and was told that it was paid for by the man who just left. Instead of just saying, gee great, and walking out, that person then turned and said, I will pay theirs, and paid it and walked out. This went on for most of the day. The waitress was almost in tears seeing the generosity of this one person spreading through all of these others. When she was interviewed, she told the reporter that never, in all her years of waitressing, had she ever experienced such a thing.
The Lakota have a saying, Mitakuye Oyasin, "We are all related" or "All My Relations". Quantum Physics tells us that we are all connected. Our mood, our actions, can have a ripple affect that touches many people. Those people can touch others, and they in turn others. We can have a positive or negative affect on many people in this way. So it is very important that we find balance for ourselves so that we can absorb some of the negative without passing that on, and put forth positive influences. In most cases, all it takes is for us to take note of how we are acting and learn to live in the moment.
How many moments do we miss because we got caught up in someone else's drama, or worrying about something that has not happened yet. The latter being my major weakness. Try something with me. Take a dime and trace around it. Now take your pen or pencil and think back through your life at all the positive moments. Keep going until you can't think of anymore. If you run out of space inside your dime, pull out a quarter and trace a larger circle around the dime. Continue on until you just can't think of anymore. Now, look at all those dots. Think hard about how many of those moments there are and how many you missed because you were upset, angry, or worrying about something else. How many of them did you miss when you didn't have to? Maybe if we become more aware that we are in a moment, we can purposefully put aside the worry, anger, or other negative feeling and take advantage of the moment. Be "in the moment" and enjoy it for what it is. Maybe if we can break the paradigm of worry and anger and start taking up more and more of these moments, or even starting to make them, we can increase the positive energy that we put out. In this way, the ripples that emanate from our pebbles have a positive affect on people. I will try over the coming year to be positive and upbeat in my writings. Sorry, as Yoda said, "There is no try, there is only do and not do". I will over the coming year, work to be more positive and upbeat. I will put forth a more positive attitude and break the paradigm of worry and anger that has plagued me. So I guess I will just have to laugh and sing more.
My heart to your heart, one heart, one spirit.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Year of Balance - Regaining Balance in Troubled Times

Every year I write at the end of the year to introduce a theme for the new year. In the past, there was the Year of Unity and the Year of Hope. These served as an anchor to my writings for a continued theme through the year. These were accompanied by the occasional Wisdom From a Fortune Cookie. I had enjoyed writing these as besides hopefully inspiring others, they helped me to reflect on my own journey and things I might do to reconnect with others and try to bring unity in this world. This past year, though, was spent mostly working. A major project occupied most of my time throughout the year leaving me little time for my own spiritual journey or writing. Most of the time, I was just plain exhausted and couldn't even think let alone write. This preoccupation with work left me spiritually devoid and sometimes even depressed. My life was mostly my work, which left me unbalanced.
What is balance? Balance is finding that equilibrium between physical, spiritual, emotional, and learning. Some use a medicine wheel symbol to remind themselves to keep this balance. Each direction, East, South, West and North, represent a different facet. When we put too much emphasis in any of these "directions", we become imbalanced. This manifests itself in many forms from simple uneasiness to deep depression. Outwardly, the frustrations felt can manifest themselves as anger, withdrawal and even mental illness.
I watched myself as I slowly withdrew, fighting to maintain a sense of spirituality. I saw myself getting increasingly angry and snapping at times. The added stress of trying to find a new home, trying to sell ours, and then when finally sold, moving. We have a great house now with a large yard that we fenced in so that the dogs can run free in the back yard. Yeah, dogs, we added a brother for Brandy so that she would have a playmate. So we have a beautiful yard, great dogs, and nice neighbors. We are in the country and I have a little pine grove I can retreat to and space for a couple of gardens for herbs and veggies. Yet, I was so caught up in work, I have had little time to enjoy it all.
How many of us go through things like this. How many of us find ourselves more heavily involved in one of the directions forsaking the others? Do we spend so much time in spiritual pursuits that we fail ourselves physically? Do we spend so much of our time trying to accumulate all the knowledge and wisdom of the world, that we forget to live in it? Do we get so wrapped up in the drama of our life that we miss the simplest of wisdoms that may help us get through?
So what can we do to find that balance. First, we must remind ourselves that we must live in balance. Create a symbol to reflect that, which we may put up to remind ourselves each day. When you look at this symbol, be sure to speak each "direction". For example, east is spiritual. Remind yourself to take time during the day to be in touch with your spiritual self whatever path your follow. Look towards the next, say south and emotional. Emotion is not just anger, but also joy, happiness, and love. Looking towards the west and physical, we have to remind ourselves to make sure we eat right, get exercise, and take care of our physical self. Finally moving to the north and intellectual pursuits, knowledge and wisdom. We must always nurture our minds by always seeking knowledge. In acquiring knowledge and combining that with our life experiences we gain wisdom. Over time that collection of knowledge and wisdom is what we will use as elders to help those who follow on their journeys.
So, where do I go from here? Well, for one, I need to stop playing games online. Caught up in the games on Facebook and Tagged, I have used it to escape for the past year. I have managed to write a few times, but very infrequent. So with the demands of the job easing just a bit, and the new year on the horizon, I am going to play for one more week and use the new year as a jumping point forward. Come the new year, I will start reading more. I have a whole stack of books to go through. I had been devouring two books at a time, but this year, I think if I read four books I was lucky. I plan on getting out and hiking a bit more to take care of my physical self. I also plan on eating better if I can. Which means, no more working through lunch. I will be trying to have a piece of fruit or two a day. Probably the most important is to take more time with my family. I have been so disconnected from them while my mind was engrossed in work, that I had put them second. So I will be trying to spend more quality time with them.
If I find that work's demands just won't allow any of this, then maybe it is time to move on. As I learned after putting work ahead of all else only to find they were considering outsourcing it all, they do not have my best interests at heart. I will give it a few months and see how things go. If things don't change, then it is time.
So here's to 2010. I pray for all of us that it is a year that turns things around to a brighter future. Remember, we have the ability to change our perspective. We can see the negative in everything or we can see the positive. There is always something positive even if just a lesson to be learned. The past year or so has been a great struggle. However, I am going to work to change my perspective and regain that balance in my life. "Leaders don't force people to follow - they invite them on a journey" (Charles S. Lauer) I invite you to join me on my journey. Seek each day to find balance and harmony. Then go a step further and extend that out into the world around you. Maybe when we relearn to bring balance and harmony into our own lives, we will echo that into our external world and all we come in contact with.
My heart to your heart, one heart, one spirit.

I wish to also share with you a prayer that I used to say every day. It helped me to keep in balance and I hope to return to it. You may use it if you like to fashion your own daily spiritual routines and prayers if you like.

White Wolf's Prayer

Creator, I thank you for my life and journey. I pray my heart will be open for your teachings and guidance. I pray that I will be open to do your will and be of service to the people with an open heart. I pray my heart open for your guidance and wisdom, my heart to your heart, one heart, one spirit.
Sky Father, I give thanks to you. I thank you for the air I breathe. I thank you for the healing waters of rain and snow. I thank you for Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon and the Star people. I pray we will realize what we are doing to the skies and will work to bring healing to you and in turn ourselves. I pray my heart open for your guidance and wisdom, my heart to your heart, one heart, one spirit.
Earth Mother, I give thanks to you. I thank you for the healing herbs and the herbs to flavor the bounty which you provide. I give thanks for the trees that filter our air. The grasses, the flowers, the fruit, the vegatables and all that grows. I give thanks for all the beings that give of their life so that we may live. I pray that we will come to realize the damage that we are doing to you and work to bring healing to your and ourselves. I pray my heart open for your guidance and wisdom, my heart to your heart, one heart, one spirit.
Spirit of the East, I give thanks to you. I thank you for your spiritual guidance. Help me to walk in beauty, to be a spiritual person, and to help others along their path. I open my heart to you and to the other spirits. Let my heart be open so as to hear the spirits and heed their guidance. Help me to be in strong in spirit to help others. I pray my heart open for your guidance and wisdom, my heart, to your heart, one heart, one spirit.
Spirit of the South, I give thanks to you. I thank you for the emotions that help me to live life. Help me to temper my anger with wisdom. Help me to find joy in the simplest of things. Help me to open my heart to others and to share the joy and love of life with all who come near. I pray my heart open for your guidance and wisdom, my heart, to your heart, one heart, one spirit.
Spirit of the West, I give thanks to you. I thank you for the strength you give me. Help me to be strong for the people. Help me to be strong in all I do. Help me to be strong of spirit, of wisdom, of body, of soul. Help me have the strength of the thunder beings and the mighty buffalo so that I may be strong for the people. I pray my heart open for your guidance and wisdom, my heart to your heart, one heart, one spirit.
Spirit of the North, I give thanks to you. I thank you for the wisdom you bring. Help me to be wise for the people so that I may help others along their path. Guide me in all I do so that I may do things in a good way with wisdom and knowledge. Help me to be the teacher and to return the gifts of knowledge and wisdom shared with me. I pray my heart open for your guidance and your wisdom, my heart to your heart, one heart, one spirit.
And so we return to the east and the circle is complete. I will remember always that life is a circle and will honor this.
To all the spirits who have come before, I give thanks. I thank you for the times you have carried me, for the times you have held me up, for the times you have showed the way. I give thanks for the wisdom that you have shared with me. I give thanks when you have only pointed the way. I pray my heart will always be open to hear your words, to feel your spirit. I pray my heart open for your guidance and wisdom, my heart to your heart, one heart, one spirit.
To all the spirits who have yet to come. Who may come into my life for a moment, a minute, a day, a month, a year, or a lifetime, I give thanks to you. I thank you for helping me on my path, for teaching me, for helping me to grow so that I may serve the people well. I pray that my heart will always be open to your guidance and wisdom. I pray my heart open for your guidance and wisdom, my heart to your heart, one heart, one spirit.
To the Sacred White Buffalo Calf, I give thanks. I pray you strength and safety on your journey. I pray as a symbol of peace and harmony that you will touch many hearts. I pray that those hearts will bloom and spread love to other hearts until we have created a new world, the fifth world of peace and harmony. I pray my heart open to you, my heart, to your heart, one heart, one spirit.
Sacred Turtle, you whose spirit called me to the desert. I give thanks. I thank you for the honor to have gone to the desert to perform ceremony. I am humbled for I am not worthy of this honor. I give thanks for your welcoming me into your heart. I pray you safety and strength on your journey. I pray that you will touch many hearts and those hearts will open and blossom and spread love across the land. You are the symbol of unity. You are the symbol of peace. Let your spirit touch many hearts. I pray my heart open for your guidance and wisdom, my heart to your heart, one heart, one spirit. Aho.
Mitakuye Oyasin Pilamaya, Wado, Thank You We Are All Related